Batik is an art of painting which technically done by using wax. It is presumed as non-originally Jogjanese art, since it is also found in other regions. The oldest batik center is Wukirsari in Imogiri. It has become a center of batik since Jogja Sultanate (Kraton ) existed (around 1800s). Classic batik motives were produced here. At this time, the batik painters are not only producing exclusive batik ordered by Kraton Family, but also producing batik with traditional motive and classic color for common people. Batik with painted motives can be found in Taman Sari batik Center. It is around the remain of rest area of Kraton family – Tamansari. You can find batik in cloths, table runners, napkins, decorative painting, etc. Taman sari batik is peculiar, it has bright color and various motives which totally different from classic batiks that have flora and fauna motif only. Tamansari Batik has some motives of Jogja scenery, to include the andong (traditional cart), Pedi cab, mask, houses, etc
Silver craft had grown since Mataram Islam existed in Kotagede (in 1600s). At that time, Panembahan Senopati brought the silver and gold craftsmen from Bali to Kotagede to make a royal decorations and ceremonial equipments. Silver crafts business had prosperous era during 1930s to 1940s when some companies got orders from Europe and exported their products to The Nederland’s and others European countries.