Visiting Yogyakarta provides rent car service, car hire service in Jogjakarta, transport service in Yogyakarta/Jogja, reliable car hire or transport service in Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur, Visit Prambanan, Visit Jomblang Cave and Timang Island, Visit Merapi, visit Dieng Plateau and visit Bromo and visit Ijen crater in East Java Island
We have a good experience to provide rent car, car hire or transport service for the international tours operator and business for the international companies from all over the world. We are ready transport service, car hire and rent car service uses all kind of the coaches , Toyota Avanza, Daihatsu Xenia, Mini bus Isuzu Elf and Medium and big size bus Mercedes Benz Auto bus 10, 25, 35, 40 seats. with the reliable experienced English speaking drivers.
Further information order and other question please contact us
Toyota Avanza or Xenia
Capacity : max 5 person Price : RP 500.000 Duration : New Suzuki APV New Toyota Innova KIA Travello/Pregio New Isuzu Elf |
Medium Size Tourist Bus
Capacity : 24 – 30 seat Price : 2.500.000 Duration : Big Size Tourist Bus